children's house (3-6 years)accelerating your child’s love of learningThe Children's House is a carefully-prepared, child-sized classroom in which your child can direct her own activity, building confidence and social skills while maximizing her own capability to learn and love learning.It includes five different classroom areas, each one with enticing and sequenced materials that each child will be introduced to over multiple years, in response to individual developmental timelines.

Building independence through practical life

These lessons engage your child with real-world, purposeful tasks and tools, helping him see himself as capable and competent. The benefits are immediate, including concentration and precision of movement, and support long-term life skills like planning, memory, and problem-solving.

Concrete materials for lifelong retention of math

We believe in providing your child with an education that fosters deep understanding rather than quick memorization. The Montessori approach to math is particularly effective in this regard. By using hands-on materials, we engage your child in concrete problemsolving, which paves the way for a seamless transition to more abstract concepts in math.

Developing the scientific mind through sensorial materials

Your child will enjoy the beautiful sensorial materials and learn to compare and contrast, to discern slight differences, to place things in order, and so on. The materials activate the senses and help your child explore the world around her. The sensorial materialsalso highlight mathematical relationships, providing the foundation for understanding arithmetic, geometry and algebra.

Understanding our world through exposure and experimentation

Experimentation with physical sciences inspires a lifelong curiosity for the world around us. Our program includes puzzle maps, flags, and cultural items to expose  your child to varied cultures within our world, providing a helpful framework for later studies in science and history.

Individualized guidance with writing and reading

Children are so excited to start reading and writing, using the hands-on Montessori materials such as sandpaper letters and movable alphabet. Your child is able to explore creative expression and dive into reading, as he is empowered to write and read with ease through these foundational works.

children house’s curriculum

Explore our rich and structured curriculum, all of which available to your child in both English and Mandarin

English & Mandarin Language


  • Speaks clearly and in full sentences in both languages
  • Enrichment of vocabulary in both languages
  • Follows oral instructions in both languages
  • Able to have a two-way conversation in both languages


  • Identifies all letter sounds and blends sounds into words in English
  • Phonograms and sight words in English
  • Identifies characters in Mandarin
  • Reads for comprehension and demonstrates an understanding of text in both languages


  • Uses correct pencil grip
  • Forms lowercase letters in English
  • Forms Mandarin characters
  • Aware of spacing and adherence to lines on a page
  • Writes words/phrases in both languages


  • Singing and rhythm activities in both languages
  • Music appreciation in both languages


  • Able to write 0 to 9
  • Counts and recognizes teens
  • Counts and recognizes numbers to 100 and above
  • Practices skip counting

Decimal System

  • Understands relationship among units, tens, hundreds, and thousands
  • Reads large numbers (into the thousands)
  • Demonstrates an understanding of exchanging


  • Demonstrates an understanding of the concepts of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
  • Begins memorizing the math tables


  • Demonstrates an understanding of fractions being part of a whole
Work Habits & Interpersonal Skills

Work Habits

  • Able to organize and execute a multistep task
  • Works independently on a task for at least 15-30 minutes

Interpersonal Skills

  • Demonstrates basic Grace and Courtesy, such as waiting one’s turn to speak
  • Speaks up confidently with a question or comment
  • Joins in collaborative games
  • Initiates and holds a conversation with a peer and adult
Practical Life


  • Able to work most independently
  • Able to ask for help when needed


  • Art appreciation
  • Drawing (open ended)
  • Painting (open ended)
  • Collage (open ended)
  • Scissors use


  • Able to walk carrying objects safely
  • Ability to follow instructions for movement activities

Food Preparation

  • Works on simple food preparation activities with minimal support
  • Able to use simple kitchen implements like a blunt knife or chopper, spreader, grater, etc.


  • Names most basic shapes
  • Identifies geometric solids


  • Names the continents
  • Knowledgeable of some countries in home continent
  • Knowledgeable of the flags, foods, and cultures of different countries


  • Awareness of different sensorial qualities in the world around them, such as long and short, rough and smooth, heavy and light, etc.
  • Awareness of the natural world around them, such as early botany, weather, etc.
  • Awareness of the animal classification and qualities of birds, fish, mammals, etc.

Visit nest preschool to see the difference for yourself!