nido curriculum
Explore our rich and structured curriculum, all of which available to your child in both English and Mandarin
Practical Life
Care of Self
- Identifies own belongings
- Dresses and undresses independently
Care of the Environment
- Curious about nature in the environment
- Shows interest in caring for the environment

English & Mandarin Language
- Speaks in phrases or simple sentences in English or Mandarin
- Engages in conversations in English or Mandarin
- Able to enunciate speech clearly
- Shows interest in books
- Enjoys listening to music
- Shows interest in rhymes
- Claps and taps to the rhythm of the song
- Sings along
- Looks at the person speaking to him/her
- Follows simple directions in English or Mandarin

Social-Emotional Development
Work Habits
- Demonstrates curiosity
- Shows awareness of order and routine
- Begins to make own choices
Interpersonal Skills
- Responds to redirection
- Positive interaction with others
- Becomes aware of bodily functions
- Actively participates in the diapering process
Mealtime Independence
- Able to help set the table
- Able to feed themselves independently

Visit nest preschool to see the difference for yourself!