children house’s curriculum
Explore our rich and structured curriculum, all of which available to your child in both English and Mandarin
English & Mandarin Language
- Speaks clearly and in full sentences in both languages
- Enrichment of vocabulary in both languages
- Follows oral instructions in both languages
- Able to have a two-way conversation in both languages
- Identifies all letter sounds and blends sounds into words in English
- Phonograms and sight words in English
- Identifies characters in Mandarin
- Reads for comprehension and demonstrates an understanding of text in both languages
- Uses correct pencil grip
- Forms lowercase letters in English
- Forms Mandarin characters
- Aware of spacing and adherence to lines on a page
- Writes words/phrases in both languages
- Singing and rhythm activities in both languages
- Music appreciation in both languages

- Able to write 0 to 9
- Counts and recognizes teens
- Counts and recognizes numbers to 100 and above
- Practices skip counting
Decimal System
- Understands relationship among units, tens, hundreds, and thousands
- Reads large numbers (into the thousands)
- Demonstrates an understanding of exchanging
- Demonstrates an understanding of the concepts of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
- Begins memorizing the math tables
- Demonstrates an understanding of fractions being part of a whole

Work Habits & Interpersonal Skills
Work Habits
- Able to organize and execute a multistep task
- Works independently on a task for at least 15-30 minutes
Interpersonal Skills
- Demonstrates basic Grace and Courtesy, such as waiting one’s turn to speak
- Speaks up confidently with a question or comment
- Joins in collaborative games
- Initiates and holds a conversation with a peer and adult

Practical Life
- Able to work most independently
- Able to ask for help when needed
- Art appreciation
- Drawing (open ended)
- Painting (open ended)
- Collage (open ended)
- Scissors use
- Able to walk carrying objects safely
- Ability to follow instructions for movement activities
Food Preparation
- Works on simple food preparation activities with minimal support
- Able to use simple kitchen implements like a blunt knife or chopper, spreader, grater, etc.

- Names most basic shapes
- Identifies geometric solids
- Names the continents
- Knowledgeable of some countries in home continent
- Knowledgeable of the flags, foods, and cultures of different countries
- Awareness of different sensorial qualities in the world around them, such as long and short, rough and smooth, heavy and light, etc.
- Awareness of the natural world around them, such as early botany, weather, etc.
- Awareness of the animal classification and qualities of birds, fish, mammals, etc.

Visit nest preschool to see the difference for yourself!